Features of euphemisms usage in British and French media
The relevance of the work is due to the interest in the study of the functioning of language in society; the problems of language as a means of language communication; various aspects of the use of language as an instrument of human communication; ways to reflect changes in the consciousness and life of society, changes in cultural and social values. Euphemisms are widely used in socially significant areas of speech activity, primarily in the media. Euphemism is used intensively to soften or mask the presentation of events that can cause alarm, fear, and even public protest. In addition, euphemisms have great social significance, reflect changes in the explanation of a certain social phenomenon, a new perspective for its consideration, contain a new moral and ethical assessment of the phenomenon, and indicate a change in social guidelines in this area of human life.
The object of the study is the phenomenon of euphemization.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the use of euphemisms in the British and French media.
The purpose of this work is to study the peculiarities of the use of euphemisms in the British and French media.
Achieving this goal involves performing the following tasks
- learning studying the definition of euphemisms;
- learning study of different classifications of euphemisms;
- analysis of the main goals and functions of euphemisms in speech;
- definition defining the main areas of euphemisms;
- detection identification of the main functional features of the texts of British and French media;
- analysis of euphemisms in the texts of author's articles from the point of view of political correctness.