Discourse Markers in the English Language

The objective of the study is to identify and reveal main and auxiliary functions of discourse markers in the English language.
To achieve this objective, a number of tasks should be accomplished:
1) to study and summarize the information about the lexemic items of the English language;
2) to observe the information about labelling the phenomenon of discourse markers in the English language;
3) to investigate the functions of discourse in the English language in context;
4) to analyse and synthesise the latest research on the topic of the work.
The research is focused on discourse markers as a unique lexemic item of the English language.
The studies of different linguists, both Russian and foreign (namely, D. S. Schiffrin, D. L. Blackmore, M. A. K. Halliday, R. Hasan, etc.), will be maintained in this work. The works of these linguists are considered as theoretical basis when conducting the research.