Peculiarities of realia functioning (based on G. Martin «Game of Thrones» and T. Goodkind «Sword of Truth»)

This work was aimed at analyzing reality words based on the material of the fantasy genre books "Game of Thrones" by George Martin and "The Sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind. In the course of the work, definitions of the term "reality" were presented, as well as classifications of this phenomenon were provided. However, due to the specifics of the genre of the research material, the existing classifications did not fit, and therefore it was decided to put forward a new classification based on the classification of S. Vlakhov and S. Florin for further analysis.
Therefore, the object of this study is the realities in the fantasy genre, and the subject of the study is the realities and their functions based on the material of "Game of Thrones" and "Sword of Truth".
The bachelor paper consists of three chapters, in the course of the work, a classification of non-existent realities was established, previously selected examples were analyzed, conclusions and proposals were made to solve the problems arising from the study.